Pro Intro Songs
(When SAT starts)
This 82 mb file wil install over 38 songs that will play when you start SAT or go back to the home screen. Thanks to Mark Miller who put this together.
Pro Fight Songs
(When a game begins)
Not all pro teams have fight songs but some still do. I tried to find either fight songs or traditions that teams do when they score a touchdown but not all teams are included. Hope you enjoy it.
Pro Custom Game Intro Songs
(When a game begins)
If a team has no intro songs assigned to it, a random custom song will play from this file when the game starts. I edited this myself from 4 popular pro songs and they run for about 30 seconds. If you dont' like them go Sounds/Game_Intros and delete them.
Pro Referee Touchdown Sounds
(When referee says "Touchdown")
Here is Al Wilson's voice saying specific touchdowns for all NFL teams.
College Fight Songs Part 1
(When a game begins)
This very huge file put togehter by Steve Maraccini had to be split up. Part 1 is 177 MB and contains tons of college fight and touchdown songs. A must have if you want that collegiate experience when you play your games.
College Fight Songs Part 2
(When a game begins)
The second part of Steve Maraccini's college fight songs. 179 mb.